

INCUBOR CAPITAL PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private Indian Non-Government Company incorporated in India on 1/13/2016. Its registered office is in MIG-A-28 Sheelanagar Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh INDIA 530012, India.

The Company is engaged in the Finance.

The Company's status is Active. It's a Company limited by shares with an authorized capital of 1000000.00 and a paid-up capital of 1000000.00, as per the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) records.

Company Details:

 Location: Andhra Pradesh
 Mobile: +91 1234567890

CIN: U65923AP2016PTC098091

Date of Registration: 1/13/2016

State: Andhra Pradesh

ROC: RoC-Hyderabad

Company Status: Active

Category: Company limited by shares

Class: Private

Company Type: Indian Non-Government Company

Authorized Capital: 1000000.00

Paidup Capital: 1000000.00

Activity Code:

Activity Description: Finance

Registered Office Address: MIG-A-28 Sheelanagar Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh INDIA 530012